Newark, We’re Open: Visit Our Newest Clinic

We are thrilled to announce that our new Hear4U clinic in Newark is now officially open and ready to provide comprehensive hearing care services to the local community! Our team has been working hard to ensure that every detail is perfect for you, and we’re excited to welcome you into our comfortable and fully equipped space.

Our Location

As we mentioned in our previous blog post, our new clinic is located just a few minutes away from the heart of Newark-on-Trent and is easily accessible by car or public transportation. We offer a convenient on-street parking space nearby for those who prefer to drive.

Situated on Barnby Gate, the area boasts easy access to a diverse range of facilities, including St Mark’s shopping precinct, Travel Lodge Hotel, ASDA retail zone, and NCP multi-story car park, all just a stone’s throw away.

Hear4U Newark banner showing aerial view of Newark with Hear4U location bubble

Home Visits

We understand that not everyone is able to make it to our clinic, which is why we also offer home visits within a 30-minute drive radius from our Newark location. This includes towns such as Nottingham, Lincoln, Southwell, Grantham, and many more. Our experienced audiologists will bring our comprehensive hearing care services directly to you, ensuring that you receive the same high-quality care from the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re unable to travel or simply prefer the convenience of a home visit, we’re here to help.

Our Services

As a provider of comprehensive hearing care, we ensure that you receive the best possible service. Here’s a breakdown of what we offer at our new Newark clinic:

Comprehensive Hearing Tests: Our hearing tests are conducted using the latest technology in the field to ensure that we can provide you with an accurate and comprehensive assessment of your hearing ability. Our tests include six different steps, and our experienced audiologists will be there to guide you through the process and provide you with a clear diagnosis.

Top-of-the-Range Hearing Aids: We offer a wide selection of top-of-the-range hearing aids from leading brands in the industry. Our experienced audiologists will help you choose the best hearing aids for your needs and preferences and provide you with a custom fitting to ensure that they fit comfortably and function optimally.

Hearing Aid Fittings: At Hear4U, we understand that every individual’s hearing needs are unique. That’s why we provide customized hearing aid fittings to ensure that your hearing aids are comfortable and optimised for your specific hearing needs.

Hearing Aid Aftercare: We believe that hearing aid aftercare is just as important as the initial fitting. This is the reason why we offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure they continue to function optimally.

Hearing Aid Repair: If your hearing aids require repair, our experienced audiologists can help. We offer repair services for all types of hearing aids, and we’ll work quickly to get your hearing aids back in working order as soon as possible.

Batteries and Wax Traps: We offer a variety of batteries and wax traps to ensure that your hearing aids continue to function properly. Our audiologists can help you select the right batteries and wax traps for your hearing aids and provide you with advice on how to use them effectively.

Medical Reports: If you require a medical report related to your hearing, our experienced audiologists can provide one for you. We’ll work with you to ensure that the report meets your needs and is delivered in a timely manner.

Earwax Removal: We offer all three methods of earwax removal to ensure that your ears are clear, and your hearing is optimised. Our experienced audiologists use top-of-the-range diagnostic technology to assess your ears and determine the best method for removing excess earwax.

Our Expert Team of Audiologists

Our team of experienced audiologists at our Newark clinic is led by Tony Iveson, who has over 25 years of experience in hearing care. Our professionals come from diverse backgrounds and have many years of involvement in the field. They are highly regarded and in-demand due to their extensive knowledge and unwavering dedication to the field of hearing care. With our team, you can be assured that you are receiving hearing care of remarkable quality. Our audiologists will guide you through every step of the process, from the initial hearing test to finding the most suitable solution for your hearing needs.

Join Us for Our Open Week in March!

To celebrate the opening of our new clinic in Newark, we are holding an open week commencing 20th March. This will be an excellent opportunity to come and explore our new clinic, meet our expert team of audiologists, and learn more about the services we offer. We will be sharing more details about the open week on our website and social media pages in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for updates! In the meantime, why not book an appointment for one of our free hearing tests?