Earwax Removal

Book your appointment for professional earwax removal at our nearest hearing clinic today.

Alternatively, benefit from our expert care in the comfort of your own home.

Understanding Earwax Buildup and Its Symptoms

Earwax, medically known as ‘cerumen’, is a natural substance produced in the outer ear canal. It plays a crucial role in your auditory health by keeping your ears lubricated, clean, and safeguarded against bacteria. Typically, it is naturally moved out of the ear through everyday actions like talking, chewing, and other jaw movements. This process helps to clear old earwax and maintain a healthy balance in the ear canal.

However, our bodies can sometimes produce more earwax than can be naturally cleared, leading to a buildup. This is a common occurrence and can result from factors such as dusty environments, regular earbud use, the shape of our ear canals, or simply the aging process.

It is worth noting that attempting to remove earwax with cotton swabs can backfire. While it may be tempting to use them, they often push earwax deeper into the ear canal and may even cause harm. It’s best to leave the removal to the professionals to avoid any unwelcome issues.

If you’re noticing any of the following, it may be time to give us a call:

  • A sense of fullness in the ear
  • Discomfort or pain
  • Difficulty hearing
  • Ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus
  • Itchiness in the ear
  • Discharge from the ear
  • Unusual odour coming from the ear
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea

These symptoms could indicate that a little expert attention is needed. Our team of experienced audiologists are trained in employing a range of safe and effective earwax removal techniques.
Interested in learning more about how we can help? Explore our wax removal methods or book your appointment below!

Only with a full picture of your ability to hear can we give you the best solutions for you and your needs.

Comprehensive Hearing Tests as Part of the Earwax Removal Procedure

Did you know that hearing difficulties can sometimes be a sign of a deeper issue beyond earwax buildup? That’s why we provide a free, thorough hearing evaluation to not only assess earwax accumulation but also determine whether there’s any underlying hearing loss.
Our advanced diagnostic process includes a series of detailed tests, enabling us to fully understand your hearing health. We delve into the intricacies of how your ears function, so we can uncover the root cause of any hearing challenges you may face.
With the help of a complete and precise diagnosis, our experts are equipped to decide whether simple earwax removal will restore your hearing clarity or if you might benefit from additional treatments. It’s our mission to ensure that the solution we offer is perfectly suited to your unique hearing needs.

Expert Earwax Removal Techniques

Explore our full range of specialised earwax removal options, tailored for optimal results and your comfort. Just £40 for one ear, or £70 for both!

Endoscopic Microsuction


Water Irrigation

Manual Removal

Our Clinics

Step into any of our clinics for a premium experience complete with the comforts of a warm cup of tea and biscuits on us!

Home Visit Service

If getting to our clinic is a challenge, don’t worry – we’ll bring our expert earwax removal services directly to your doorstep.

Our Earwax Removal Process

Our earwax removal process involves several important steps to ensure the best possible outcomes. Below you’ll find a breakdown of each one, so you know exactly what to expect. We’re here to make sure you’re informed, comfortable, and cared for every step of the way.

Side photo of an audiogram

Step 1: Your Ear History

Your journey begins with us enquiring about any prior ear conditions or previous earwax removal attempts. This ensures we choose the safest and most efficient method tailored to your needs.

Asian woman holding hair away from ear

Step 2: Ear Examination

We’ll start with a detailed examination of your ear using a video otoscope. This advanced tool offers a clear view of your ear canal and eardrum, and you’ll be able to watch along for a better understanding of your condition.

Middle aged man getting a manual ear wax removal from a audiologist

Step 3: Earwax Removal

Based on our assessment, we’ll discuss the most suitable earwax removal options for you. Our process is quick, typically taking 15-30 minutes, and is carried out with your comfort and safety as a priority.

Step 4: Post-Removal Check

Once we’ve removed the earwax, we’ll re-examine your ear using the video otoscope to confirm the wax is fully cleared, ensuring your satisfaction with the results.

Step 5: Audiologist Consultation

Afterward, we’ll talk through any further care or precautions you might need to take personalised to your particular treatment, such as ear coverings after water irrigation, for example.

Step 6: Aftercare and Recovery

Your care doesn’t stop after the procedure. We’ll arrange a follow-up to check on your recovery and ensure the earwax removal has brought you the relief you expected without complications.

Check Out Our Reviews

It didn’t take that long, and it was all done. To have one ear done (earwax removed), and then I decided to have both ears done just like that. 

I don’t think we’d get anywhere better really, it’s an ideal setup. Travel a small distance by car or taxi, whatever you feel like. It’s ideal for us and anybody else, it’s (The Hear4U Centre) right in a central place.


Fay A

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Thoroughly recommend them. The ability to hear clearly and immediately was brilliant.

Jane H

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ACHE (Academy of Community Health Experts) logo

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Hinckley 01455 234 600

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Rothwell 01536 713 775

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